Membership Application

Members have the ability to view the wiki, member section of the forums, and sign up for upcoming meetings.

Membership requirements overview


  • Membership will be based upon the rules set forth in the charter, which can and will be updated over time.


  • Membership to the group is generally be restricted to companies and individuals that are associated with the oil and gas industry that are currently using Ignition software or plan to do so in the future.

System Integrators

  • Participation in the group by system integrators will generally be restricted to integrators that are currently working with an existing oil and gas company member, or have done so in the past. Generally, integrator participation with the group will be handled on a sponsorship type basis, with an oil and gas company vouching for said integrator.
  • Integrator participation does not constitute a sales or solicitation opportunity.


  • Vendor participation will be handled much the same way as system integrators — it requires a member sponsorship to apply.
  • Vendor participation does not constitute a sales or solicitation opportunity.

Use your company email address for faster verification.

Please refer to the IOGC Privacy Policy and Group Charter .